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Lesson A8 - Control Structures
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A8 Introduction page 1 of 17

Any sort of complex program must have some ability to control flow. Without this control, programs become limited to one basic job each time the program is run. The most basic of these control structures is the if statement, followed by the if-else, and then the switch statement.

The key topics for this lesson are:

  1. Structured Programming
  2. Control Structures
  3. Algorithm Development and Pseudocode
  4. Relational Operators
  5. Logical Operators
  6. Precedence and Associativity of Operators
  7. The if-else Statements
  8. Compound Statements
  9. Nested if-else Statements
  10. Conditional Operator
  11. Boolean Identifiers
  12. Switch Statements (Optional)
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