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Lesson AB29 - Linked List
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I. Doubly-Linked Lists page 11 of 18

  1. In addition to linked lists that have a next field referencing the next node in the list, we can have a doubly linked list. In a doubly linked list, the node contains a value, a reference to the next node in the list, and a reference to the previous node in the list.

  2. Suppose our ListNode class were modified to be a DLListNode class. The class definitions below represent the modifications to the ListNode class to create a DLListNode class. A doubly linked list node is a linked list node with another instance field.

    public class DLListNode<E>
      private E value;
      private DListNode
    <E> next;
      private DListNode
    <E> previous;

      // Constructor:
      public DLListNode( E initValue, DListNode
    <E> initNext, DListNode<E> initPrevious )
        value = initValue;
        next = initNext;
        previous = initPrevious;

      public E getValue()
        return value;

      public DLListNode
    <E> getNext()
        return next;

      public DLListNode
    <E> getPrevious()
        return previous;

      public void setValue( E theNewValue )
        value = theNewValue;

      public void setNext( DLListNode
    <E> theNewNext )
        next = theNewNext;

      public void setPrevious( DLListNode
    <E> theNewPrevious )
        previous = theNewPrevious;

  3. Figure 29-3 illustrates a doubly-linked list, of type DLListNode.

    Figure 29-3

  4. A null value must be placed at each end of the list to signify the end of the data structure. In the diagram, a null is indicated with the diagonal line.

  5. A doubly-linked list should have two external references to access the data structure. In the case above, first and last are the two entry points.

  6. A doubly-linked list can be traversed in either direction.

  7. Inserting values into an ordered doubly-linked list is a similar process to the algorithm used with a singly-linked list. However, the number of reference manipulations will double. The addition of a new node to a position between two existing nodes will require four reference hookups.

  8. The example below and Figure 29-4 show the adjustments necessary to add A DLListNode to the middle of a doubly linked list.

      Adding a node to middle or end of an ordered doubly linked list.
    Comparable newValue = (Comparable)newNode.getValue();
    DLListNode temp = first;
    while ( temp.getNext() != null &&
                newValue.compareTo( (Comparable)temp.getValue() ) > 0 )
      temp = temp.getNext();
    if (  newValue.compareTo( (Comparable)temp.getValue() ) <= 0 )
      // Adding to middle.
      // Four references must be set.
      DLListNode hold = temp.getPrevious();
      hold.setNext( newNode );
      newNode.setNext( temp );
      newNode.setPrevious( temp.getPrevious() );
      temp.setPrevious( newNode );
      // Adding to end.
      // Two references must be set.
      temp.setNext( newNode );
      newNode.setPrevious( temp );

    Figure 29-4


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